Certificate for International Education Professionals (Certificate discontinued Summer 2022)
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Early Childhood Educators & Educational Assistants
Education Assistants (EAs) and Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) support children’s learning in the early years and beyond by connecting and communicating with families, and by creating learning environments where children can flourish. As the field continues to develop, EAs and RECEs are expected to further develop communication and learning support strategies to adapt to new challenges and to meet the changing needs of families.
Our courses offer advanced learning in specific subject areas, and will help RECEs further develop skills and strategies for working with young children.
Courses are between 5 and 15 hours long and provides RECEs with an affordable, self-guided experience. They include discussion boards, tasks, and other online learning tools. The courses address themes in the RECE Continuous Professional Learning Portfolio and can be used towards meeting professional learning requirements.
Now Available
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Wondering whether you’re working to professional editorial standards? Or thinking of taking the Editors Canada Professional Certification tests and want help preparing? Identify your strengths and gaps, learn to work to industry standards, and gain foundational knowledge and practice for each of the editing disciplines.
- Read more about Professional Editing Standards Certificate